/r/girlsdoingstuffnaked - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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girlsdoingstuffnaked 2023
2024, December
10692 Tidying up the living room before the visitors ...
3532 I usually do it naked, yes
3226 Can’t forget to water my plants
2624 Sneak peak into my home yoga practice
2516 More fun at the resort!
2397 Pussy flavored latte
2330 Stretches on the mat
2283 It was far too hot for a bikini
2195 Naked river hiking
2129 Getting schoolwork done
2024, November
3035 Dead lifts on my exercise machine while naked
2752 Teaching my girl some acro moves
2588 Jumping in for a nighttime swim
2523 Fresh out the shower making u coffee
2123 Yoga time
1968 Hiking naked with my friends
1888 Sprained ankle pour lol
1773 Getting in the hot tub
1758 Naked book club
1713 Hiking Nude
2024, October
3052 Its a whole different vibe practicing naked
2962 Skinny dipping
2833 Naked Cartwheels
2680 Chores don't suck if you do them nakey!
2539 Pool time
2532 It was fun to leave our clothes behind for our ...
2417 Drive naked but always wear your seatbelt
2312 Naked swims in glacial water
2192 The proper way to disc golf
2128 I baked them myself
2024, September
2966 Just Two Friends Driving around the City Naked
2711 The best way to cook breakfast
2187 the most free i've ever felt
2170 On a Lovely Naked Nature Hike with Friends
1768 Nude Hula Hooping
1604 Juicing limes for margaritas on college footbal...
1539 Trying out New Snacks while Chilling at the Beach
1531 Got Myself a Mini Workout Trampoline and it's S...
1483 This is the best way to clean the floor
1419 come swim with me
2024, August
3799 Laundry day
3267 We Explored these Rock Formations at the Beach
2668 We had a Naked Dance Party on our Roof through ...
2524 Yoga outside
1684 Naked Mario Kart 1 v 1 Sessions can get Intense!
1572 Love me some squats
1442 Cliff Jumping and Skinny Dipping!
1256 Exploring the park near my new place… naked
1151 My morning routine
1059 Playing spike ball
2024, July
3596 On our walk back to the Car just after a Nude Hike
3401 Yoga with a Friend is so much Better in Helping...
3287 Loading the dishwasher
3187 My First Full Nude Hike with my Bestie
2402 Lotion is important
2082 Days spent cleaning naked
2042 Watering my plants
1865 Making a snow angel
1698 So much hair to dry
1639 Naked Yoga is just feels so much Better
2024, June
2497 Naked Hanging Knee Raises
1555 Taking my curlers out
1476 Running at the Beach Naked
1438 Watering my plants
1211 Had Myself a Nude Workout at the Beach
1128 Playing in the Rain at my Roof!
1115 Too hot to get clothed
1058 Happy Baby to Shoulder Stand
1011 Because running clothed is boring!
934 Brushing teeth
2024, May
2794 Making espresso
2551 Spring cleaning, but naked
1962 Like Rapunzel…only hornier
1895 Moisturizer is very important
1423 Happily doing my Nude Morning Yoga Routine
1373 I’m building my lego tour Eiffel naked
732 Kettlebell Workout with a Nice View
710 Happily Frolicking in the Rain
696 Hanging my Clothes at the Rooftop
642 Meal Prep!
2024, April
1984 Naked blow drying
1803 Naked gaming
1735 Fun fact: scalp massages stimulate hair growth
1322 Taking my curlers out
847 Nude golfing
705 My Crow Pose during Nude Yoga
679 Organising my kitchen
646 Naked cleaning :)
616 Gone fishing ;)
610 Woke up and did the dishes
2024, March
2466 Naked vacuuming
1570 Applying mascara naked
1444 Oral hygiene is very important
1271 Gotta get all the dust
1058 Always reading
980 Milf makes the bed
656 Time to clean up
701 Having a time of quality
634 I like sitting at my desk naked
644 Join my morning yoga flow
2024, February
3616 Some naked laundry folding
3258 Styling my long hair is such a task
1890 Deep yogi squat
1525 Putting my books away
1365 Papaya has been my go to fruit lately
1316 Morning Coffee Routine
1277 Just folding some laundry
1257 Naked yoga is my favorite way to start the day
1171 Practicing aerial split is hard enough for me
1068 Just putting a load in..
2024, January
4091 My boyfriend dared me to do naked cartwheels do...
3162 Naked squats
2976 Cleaning my shower nakey
2549 Naked cleaning
2483 Laundry day
2373 Naked yoga is the best way to start my day
2034 Start the new year with booty gains
1764 Naked squats
1227 Naked Yoga Outdoors
1218 Naked without makeup. Doing morning yoga