/r/AskWomen - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, December
What is something that seems innocent but is ac...
1821 What is something that seems innocent but is ac...
How often do you have sex vs how often does you...
1102 How often do you have sex vs how often does you...
What is one small change that increased your me...
887 What is one small change that increased your me...
Women who enjoy anal sex, how was the first tim...
832 Women who enjoy anal sex, how was the first tim...
What’s your “I’ll try everything once” thing th...
767 What’s your “I’ll try everything once” thing th...
Women what was your best sex like? What did the...
583 Women what was your best sex like? What did the...
What was the moment when you realised you found...
519 What was the moment when you realised you found...
Whom have you dated that wasn’t necessarily a b...
514 Whom have you dated that wasn’t necessarily a b...
If you woke up as a man, what is the very first...
514 If you woke up as a man, what is the very first...
for the women who ended up dating their best fr...
494 for the women who ended up dating their best fr...
2024, November
What was that ONE event that completely dismant...
1203 What was that ONE event that completely dismant...
What is the toughest pill you’ve had to swallow?
1081 What is the toughest pill you’ve had to swallow?
What’s the weirdest thing you have seen when go...
929 What’s the weirdest thing you have seen when go...
what makes it "mindblowing" sex to you?
864 what makes it "mindblowing" sex to you?
When did you realize you were in a safe, loving...
843 When did you realize you were in a safe, loving...
Women who had a best friend turn into an enemy,...
759 Women who had a best friend turn into an enemy,...
Women who haven’t dated, had sex or any type of...
741 Women who haven’t dated, had sex or any type of...
Ladies do you LIKE to orgasm multiple times? Wh...
719 Ladies do you LIKE to orgasm multiple times? Wh...
What do you think of the 4B movement?
703 What do you think of the 4B movement?
Women who had disordered eating habits without ...
701 Women who had disordered eating habits without ...
2024, October
Why is *that friend* of yours still single?
1219 Why is *that friend* of yours still single?
What was the first reality check that you got, ...
830 What was the first reality check that you got, ...
What was your biggest realization or regret at ...
724 What was your biggest realization or regret at ...
For women who don’t masturbate: Why don’t you?
656 For women who don’t masturbate: Why don’t you?
What do you do when you catch your SO staring a...
639 What do you do when you catch your SO staring a...
Women who consider themselves to be happily mar...
592 Women who consider themselves to be happily mar...
Married women what is your greatest regret abou...
526 Married women what is your greatest regret abou...
For people who broke up with someone because th...
522 For people who broke up with someone because th...
When did you first realize you might be pretty?
508 When did you first realize you might be pretty?
What surprises you about male friendship?
498 What surprises you about male friendship?
2024, September
Women who couldn’t orgasm from penetration but ...
1556 Women who couldn’t orgasm from penetration but ...
What are some unspoken rules or social cues you...
908 What are some unspoken rules or social cues you...
What did a male friend do that immediately chan...
899 What did a male friend do that immediately chan...
Have you ever dated someone you felt was dumb, ...
800 Have you ever dated someone you felt was dumb, ...
When receiving head, what techniques do you enjoy?
762 When receiving head, what techniques do you enjoy?
What is the most clever life hack you've learned?
760 What is the most clever life hack you've learned?
How do you feel about your partner waking you u...
758 How do you feel about your partner waking you u...
Ladies who confronted and solved their declinin...
686 Ladies who confronted and solved their declinin...
How do you prefer to orgasm and how often?
678 How do you prefer to orgasm and how often?
What is something you wish your partner did dif...
655 What is something you wish your partner did dif...
2024, August
For thirty seconds, you have your pet's full at...
1990 For thirty seconds, you have your pet's full at...
What minor changes completely improved your app...
1577 What minor changes completely improved your app...
What is it which you really want men to do but ...
1533 What is it which you really want men to do but ...
What do you do when you’re wearing a sticky bra...
1412 What do you do when you’re wearing a sticky bra...
What shocking hygiene habits in women have you ...
1339 What shocking hygiene habits in women have you ...
What addiction have you seen destroy someone th...
1309 What addiction have you seen destroy someone th...
Ladies, what was the hardest pill that you had ...
1278 Ladies, what was the hardest pill that you had ...
When was it ever worth it because the sex was t...
1248 When was it ever worth it because the sex was t...
Married women, be honest. How’s life after gett...
1230 Married women, be honest. How’s life after gett...
to the women who always smells so fresh and cle...
1105 to the women who always smells so fresh and cle...
2024, July
How frequently do you have sex with your SO?
1479 How frequently do you have sex with your SO?
When have you ever encountered a “girls girl”?
1061 When have you ever encountered a “girls girl”?
If you could only choose one, would you rather ...
1006 If you could only choose one, would you rather ...
How many people have you slept with?
961 How many people have you slept with?
Women what was a disrespectful thing your ex sa...
949 Women what was a disrespectful thing your ex sa...
What type of person would you never date again?
897 What type of person would you never date again?
What’s your best “dirty” joke ?
872 What’s your best “dirty” joke ?
What's the point of crotchless panties?
843 What's the point of crotchless panties?
What book, show, or film could you not look at ...
804 What book, show, or film could you not look at ...
What are the differences between a lover and a ...
799 What are the differences between a lover and a ...
2024, June
You have a friend who can’t figure out why they...
2139 You have a friend who can’t figure out why they...
What did a male friend do that immediately chan...
1507 What did a male friend do that immediately chan...
What Could Men Do To Make You Less Uncomfortabl...
1347 What Could Men Do To Make You Less Uncomfortabl...
What messed-up thing happened to you as a kid t...
1333 What messed-up thing happened to you as a kid t...
Women who have dated someone for their personal...
1239 Women who have dated someone for their personal...
Ladies, what was the biggest age gap (older or ...
1212 Ladies, what was the biggest age gap (older or ...
What are you sick of people trying to convince ...
1189 What are you sick of people trying to convince ...
Ladies, how did you build your DGAF mentality ?
1159 Ladies, how did you build your DGAF mentality ?
What is the most extreme thing you have done to...
1035 What is the most extreme thing you have done to...
What lied you tell men so they can leave you al...
1017 What lied you tell men so they can leave you al...
2024, May
What did your spouse hide from you until after ...
2077 What did your spouse hide from you until after ...
Girls,what is the biggest mistake you think you...
1679 Girls,what is the biggest mistake you think you...
How do you know if you have pretty privilege?
1431 How do you know if you have pretty privilege?
What is something you have done that made you f...
1316 What is something you have done that made you f...
What's something (non-sexual) that feels really...
1236 What's something (non-sexual) that feels really...
Women, what’s the most pretty privileged experi...
859 Women, what’s the most pretty privileged experi...
Ladies, what odd things have you uncovered abou...
832 Ladies, what odd things have you uncovered abou...
How did your view on having children change as ...
822 How did your view on having children change as ...
Who's the most famous person you've ever met?
724 Who's the most famous person you've ever met?
Women who have gone through a significant weigh...
723 Women who have gone through a significant weigh...
2024, April
Ladies, what do you think about the 4b movement?
1998 Ladies, what do you think about the 4b movement?
For the girls with flat toned stomachs.. What a...
1369 For the girls with flat toned stomachs.. What a...
What surprised you the most when you had sex fo...
1192 What surprised you the most when you had sex fo...
What are some of your small/mundane luxuries in...
1050 What are some of your small/mundane luxuries in...
Women who knowingly accepted to be ‘The Other W...
894 Women who knowingly accepted to be ‘The Other W...
What was the worst thing a therapist has said t...
878 What was the worst thing a therapist has said t...
What’s something an adult said offhand to you a...
853 What’s something an adult said offhand to you a...
If you aren’t addicted to sugar, what are your ...
726 If you aren’t addicted to sugar, what are your ...
What is something an ex believed that was defin...
693 What is something an ex believed that was defin...
What beauty treatments would you get if money w...
687 What beauty treatments would you get if money w...
2024, March
What is the romantic/hottest thing someone has ...
1454 What is the romantic/hottest thing someone has ...
what are some things that aren’t technically ch...
1279 what are some things that aren’t technically ch...
In your experience, what is a dead giveaway tha...
1117 In your experience, what is a dead giveaway tha...
Women over 35 who decided not to have kids, how...
1067 Women over 35 who decided not to have kids, how...
Women who did not orgasm for the first time unt...
834 Women who did not orgasm for the first time unt...
Women: how much sexual aftercare do you need an...
805 Women: how much sexual aftercare do you need an...
What are some non verbal cues to initiate sex?
816 What are some non verbal cues to initiate sex?
What is a very underrated reason for breaking u...
797 What is a very underrated reason for breaking u...
Woman who have had their drink spiked, what hap...
748 Woman who have had their drink spiked, what hap...
What’s a weird thing you’re pretty sure only yo...
732 What’s a weird thing you’re pretty sure only yo...
2024, February
What is your favorite sex position to achieve o...
1358 What is your favorite sex position to achieve o...
Which high-end makeup product is absolutely, wi...
1178 Which high-end makeup product is absolutely, wi...
What is a first date question you should ask in...
1059 What is a first date question you should ask in...
What's the most deliciously wicked act of petti...
858 What's the most deliciously wicked act of petti...
What motivates you to initiate sex?
853 What motivates you to initiate sex?
What is something your child did that was techn...
821 What is something your child did that was techn...
How did you accidentally find your partner chea...
819 How did you accidentally find your partner chea...
What's something that was really hard for you t...
811 What's something that was really hard for you t...
What is the biggest mistake a person can make i...
747 What is the biggest mistake a person can make i...
What’re some things your partner does out of ig...
738 What’re some things your partner does out of ig...
2024, January
What health tip forever changed your life?
1854 What health tip forever changed your life?
Women who ghosted a “nice guy” friend after he ...
1553 Women who ghosted a “nice guy” friend after he ...
What do you do when you’re single and want to s...
1456 What do you do when you’re single and want to s...
Women who chose financial security over love, h...
1303 Women who chose financial security over love, h...
What’s one mistake you’ve made while dating whi...
1234 What’s one mistake you’ve made while dating whi...
What’s something you learned was super easy to ...
1191 What’s something you learned was super easy to ...
What is the pettiest reason you won’t date some...
1129 What is the pettiest reason you won’t date some...
What are some sex skills you’ve developed?
991 What are some sex skills you’ve developed?
What’s your ‘too good to be true’ experience th...
978 What’s your ‘too good to be true’ experience th...
What’s the most difficult truth you’ve come to ...
861 What’s the most difficult truth you’ve come to ...